
We'll Meet in Reboot 7

Reboot 7 in Copenhagen has now been officially announced and what a happening it will be! The speaker list consists of such guys as Doug Bowman, Cory Doctorow and Jimmy Wales, not to mention Rails and Basecamp heroes David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried.

I also got an unofficial confirmation from David that they will be giving the Building of Basecamp workshop the day before Reboot. Geez, I have been waiting for that announcement like Christmas. Can’t wait for the day the registration begins. If the success is anywhere near the previous workshops, there’s not many days to spend before the gig is sold out.

Unfortunately I have a wedding on Saturday that I really have (and want) to attend, so I will miss the second day talks and the Saturday night ceremonies. Even then the whole show sounds like something I won’t forget very soon.