
One Thing Is Sure...

…I’ll spend my next Midsummer eve in Chicago. RailsConf just opened its registration and boy what an event it will be! Keynotes not just from the two Rails-Davids, but also from Paul Graham and Martin Fowler. Judging by the amount of interest the conf has gathered, it will be sold out sooner rather than later. So book your place in time. I’ll try to gather a Nordic Rails brigade that would take a common flight (like the DHH flight from Copenhagen) and maybe share rooms during the event.

This will also be my first trip to the New Continent, which makes it all even more interesting. I think I’m going to spend a few days more in there, either before or after the conference. So if you have some holiday suggestions, please do share them. The only real thing I know about Illinois are “The Land of Lincoln” license plates we got from the local gas station as kids. Oh, and that Tuomo Ruutu plays in the Black Hawks.